When should I book my stocks of essential oils? The case of Geranium Madagascar
Comment garantir et stabiliser les prix de l’huile essentielle de Géranium sur l’origine Madagascar ?
When should I book my stocks of essential oils? The case of Geranium Madagascar
Comment garantir et stabiliser les prix de l’huile essentielle de Géranium sur l’origine Madagascar ?
The CSR approach applied to our human resources: from concept to action
Our teams in Madagascar are composed of 300 to 350 people of all levels. Each of these individuals contributes to the development and success of the company. Wellness at work is one of our main responsibilities. To do this, we rely on the following pillars:...
Ylang-Ylang essential oil, our production from Nosy Be
Ylang-Ylang, Madagascar origin : Madagascar is a major origin in the production of of Ylang-Ylang essential oils with over sixty tons produced per year. Ylang-Ylang from Madagascar is mainly produced on the Island of Nosy Be and in the region of Ambanja, in the North...
Planting trees, a step forward reforestation
Madagascar offers a rich biodiversity: it has nearly 90% of endemic species. Over the past six decades almost 50% of native forests have disappeared*. The deforestation has worsened since 2005, threatening the biodiversity conservation. Besides, forest areas play a...
Fair for Life (FFL) Certification
Fair for Life (FFL) certification, a certification in line with our respectful approach to people and the environment.
To meet the methods and standards of the FFL certification we have recruited our Fair for Life Certification Manager.
The first FFL-certified chain produces cinnamon that is also certified organic.
Clove Essential Oil: Crop 2020
The 2020 crop for Clove Bud started in September in the South East region of Madagascar and production is foreseen to be low. The season has been marked by heavy rains in May and June. Rain is very unusual during this period: it has been 40% higher than the...
A new farmers’network dedicated to ginger production is organic certified !
Since July 2020, a new farmers'network dedicated to ginger production is organic certified. This network, within Lohanriadava and Andakaleka villages, located along the railway, on the East Coast, is accessible exclusively by train. Our Project & Development team...
COVID-19 – Madagascar
Following a fresh outbreak of COVID-19 in Madagascar, strict lockdown in Antananarivo region is resumed. Only food, essential oils, masks and hand sanitizers manufacturers are allowed to maintain their production lines, exclusively during morning hours. Our priority...
Our Asset: farmer cooperatives
Our field agents provide their technical competence to the farmers. We bring support and training, in particular for cooperatives structure. As a matter of fact, a cooperative structure allows raw materials producers to become more professional. This kind of...