Recruitment of an illustrator for the development of educational training materials for certified agricultural producers

Jacarandas is a company specializing in the export of aromatic agricultural products sourced from a network of small Malagasy producers. To meet the demands of international markets and stand out from competitors, Jacarandas has chosen to certify its products according to European, American (NOP) organic agriculture standards, and Fair For Life fair trade standards. To ensure product compliance with these rigorous standards, Jacarandas provides technical support to local producers. This support includes guidance on organic farming practices, crop management, and assistance in obtaining and maintaining organic and fair trade certifications.

To ensure the success of our training initiative on organic and Fair For Life (FFL) certifications, it is crucial to develop effective educational tools. These tools must enable producers to thoroughly understand the standards’ requirements, making it easier to implement them in the field. The goal is to create visual aids (posters) that will complement our training sessions and make learning accessible and relevant, considering the specific challenges faced by producers.

Mission Description:
The illustrator will be responsible for creating clear, engaging, and easy-to-understand visuals for producers and field agents, some of whom may have low literacy levels. These visuals should illustrate key concepts related to agricultural practices, hygiene, and health, and will be used in both printed and digital formats. The tasks include:

  • Creating technical visual illustrations to explain BIO and Fair For Life training.
  • Adapting the illustrations to a local context (considering the culture and visual language specific to the region).

Expected Deliverables:
Number of illustrations: 18, including:

  • BIO: 13 visuals
  • Fair For Life: 6 visuals
    Deliverable format: The illustrations will be delivered in high-resolution digital format (JPEG, source files in Illustrator/Photoshop or PDF), adaptable for both print and digital platforms.

Graphic Style:
Simple, stylized, and educational illustrations, suitable for a non-expert audience and reflecting local cultural realities.

Duration and Timeline:
The illustrator will work for 3 weeks, starting on September 20, 2024.

  • September 20: Kick-off meeting and briefing presentation.
  • September 27 to October 4: Validation of first drafts, with iterations if necessary.
  • October 11: Final delivery of the illustrations.

Required Skills:

  • Proven experience in illustration, preferably with similar projects in the agricultural, educational, or development sectors. A portfolio demonstrating the ability to create educational and technical visuals will be required.
  • Experience in creating educational comic strips. The candidate must be able to tell a visual story concisely and effectively.
  • Proficiency in graphic design tools (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.).
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Creativity and innovation.
  • Good writing skills in Malagasy.

Evaluation Criteria:
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance and quality of the submitted portfolio.
  • Understanding of the mandate and objectives.
  • Experience in similar projects.
  • Cost of services.

Submission Guidelines:
Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents:

  • A CV detailing their background and skills.
  • A portfolio of previous work (in PDF format).
  • A technical proposal explaining their understanding of the project and methodology (max. 2 pages).
  • A financial proposal with detailed costs.

Interested providers can obtain additional information about the reference documents at the following address: Candidates interested in this call for applications and meeting the required qualifications should send their application to with the reference “N°0008/JACARANDAS/2024” before September 18, 2024.

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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